In this episode of The Creative Life Podcast New York based trombonist and member of The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Weston Sprott shares with us his tips on building the perfect music practise routine. Weston talks about the differences between being an orchestral player in U.S orchestras and in Europe orchestras and tells us at what point in his career he sensed that he wanted to teach.
“Practise more efficiently and also practise shorter time frames. If you practise too much, you put yourself at risk of injury. You have to be very careful to make sure that you’re doing an appropriate amount of work, that you’re always getting better and that you’re always prepared, but not so much that you may hurt yourself.” - Weston Sprott
'Music Practise Routine' Show Notes:
How orchestra schedules differ
How he got started on trombone
Practise routines and focus
Pomodoro Technique and time management
Trombone online teaching and You Tube
Knowing when to say "no"
Meaningful experiences
Favorite Tools:
TonalEnergy Chromatic Tuner and Metronome
Favorite Books:
Practice Perfect: 42 Rules for Getting Better at Getting Better by Doug Lemov
Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most by Douglas Stone
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This is The Creative Life, James Taylor's weekly YouTube show.
As a creativity expert Taylor is a frequent guest speaker at universities and international conferences. He has given keynotes and talks at Apple, Subscription Site Summit in San Francisco, the British Music Show in the UK and at several universities across Europe including University of Dundee in Scotland and University of Macerata in Italy. He is often called upon by media outlets to give his views on trends in creativity and innovation. He has been quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle, Miami Herald, Columbus Dispatch, STV, Business Insider and San Jose Mercury News as well as featured on BBC TV and being the subject of a 30 minute program on his life for BBC Radio Scotland. As a host on shows about creativity and innovation he has interviewed legendary investor Maynard Webb (, & board member) and New York Times best-selling writers Chris Guillebeau ($100 Startup), Rolf Potts (Vagabonding), Brand Cooper (The Lean Entrepreneur) and Ryan Holiday (Trust Me I’m Lying). James is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts (FRSA).
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The Creative Life is a weekly self-improvement show full of #motivation, #inspiration, and #creativity strategies with creativity speaker and author James Taylor.
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